
kcore_bd(CIJ, k, peel=False)[source]

The k-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of degree at least k. This function computes the k-core for a given binary directed connection matrix by recursively peeling off nodes with degree lower than k, until no such nodes remain.

  • CIJ (NxN numpy.ndarray) – binary directed adjacency matrix
  • k (int) – level of k-core
  • peel (bool) – If True, additionally calculates peelorder and peellevel. Defaults to False.

  • CIJkcore (NxN numpy.ndarray) – connection matrix of the k-core. This matrix only contains nodes of degree at least k.
  • kn (int) – size of k-core
  • peelorder (Nx1 numpy.ndarray) – indices in the order in which they were peeled away during k-core decomposition. only returned if peel is specified.
  • peellevel (Nx1 numpy.ndarray) – corresponding level - nodes in at the same level have been peeled away at the same time. only return if peel is specified


‘peelorder’ and ‘peellevel’ are similar the the k-core sub-shells described in Modha and Singh (2010).