
modularity_und(A, gamma=1, kci=None)[source]

The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.

  • W (NxN numpy.ndarray) – undirected weighted/binary connection matrix
  • gamma (float) – resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
  • kci (Nx1 numpy.ndarray | None) – starting community structure. If specified, calculates the Q-metric on the community structure giving, without doing any optimzation. Otherwise, if not specified, uses a spectral modularity maximization algorithm.

  • ci (Nx1 numpy.ndarray) – optimized community structure
  • Q (float) – maximized modularity metric


This algorithm is deterministic. The matlab function bearing this name incorrectly disclaims that the outcome depends on heuristics involving a random seed. The louvain method does depend on a random seed, but this function uses a deterministic modularity maximization algorithm.