
charpath(D, include_diagonal=False, include_infinite=True)[source]

The characteristic path length is the average shortest path length in the network. The global efficiency is the average inverse shortest path length in the network.

  • D (NxN numpy.ndarray) – distance matrix
  • include_diagonal (bool) – If True, include the weights on the diagonal. Default value is False.
  • include_infinite (bool) – If True, include infinite distances in calculation

  • lambda (float) – characteristic path length
  • efficiency (float) – global efficiency
  • ecc (Nx1 numpy.ndarray) – eccentricity at each vertex
  • radius (float) – radius of graph
  • diameter (float) – diameter of graph


The input distance matrix may be obtained with any of the distance functions, e.g. distance_bin, distance_wei. Characteristic path length is calculated as the global mean of the distance matrix D, excludings any ‘Infs’ but including distances on the main diagonal.