

Calculates mean first passage time of adjacency

The first passage time from i to j is the expected number of steps it takes a random walker starting at node i to arrive for the first time at node j. The mean first passage time is not a symmetric measure: mfpt(i,j) may be different from mfpt(j,i).

Parameters:adjacency ((N x N) array_like) – Weighted/unweighted, direct/undirected connection weight/length array
Returns:MFPT – Pairwise mean first passage time array
Return type:(N x N) ndarray


[1]Goni, J., Avena-Koenigsberger, A., de Mendizabal, N. V., van den Heuvel, M. P., Betzel, R. F., & Sporns, O. (2013). Exploring the morphospace of communication efficiency in complex networks. PLoS One, 8(3), e58070.