
backbone_wu(CIJ, avgdeg)[source]

The network backbone contains the dominant connections in the network and may be used to aid network visualization. This function computes the backbone of a given weighted and undirected connection matrix CIJ, using a minimum-spanning-tree based algorithm.

  • CIJ (NxN numpy.ndarray) – weighted undirected connection matrix
  • avgdeg (int) – desired average degree of backbone

  • CIJtree (NxN numpy.ndarray) – connection matrix of the minimum spanning tree of CIJ
  • CIJclus (NxN numpy.ndarray) – connection matrix of the minimum spanning tree plus strongest connections up to some average degree ‘avgdeg’. Identical to CIJtree if the degree requirement is already met.


NOTE: nodes with zero strength are discarded. NOTE: CIJclus will have a total average degree exactly equal to

(or very close to) ‘avgdeg’.
NOTE: ‘avgdeg’ backfill is handled slightly differently than in Hagmann
et al 2008.